Monday, October 3, 2011

Blog Twenty: New House Baby

Okay, so we've bought a house here in New Hampshire. I've been trying to get into the gym but with all the heavy exertion from packing and moving I've been careful to not over extend myself. That being the case the gym has had to be dismissed as a daily consideration. I'm glad I made that choice as my body has done a lot of complaining about the strenuous activities I've been placing it in.

The thing to remember here is that once things return to a more even keel the gym must once again take prominence in my life and daily routine.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Blog Nineteen - Holy Absenteeism Batman!

Wow, I had not realized how delinquent I had become. There is much that would be updated from July. Firstly, I went through a whole battery of physical therapy on my shoulder. Additionally, I've been extremely physically active.

I will confess that I recently had a lapse in my regimen. I allowed the house buying and habitat activities to diminish my exercise regimen. This is not to say that my physical activity was decreased, I just was not making it to the gym. I am glad to say that I have rectified this lapse (it was only two weeks long) and my drive is not too diminished. I even accomplished a 2 mile run (on the elliptical) in 17 minutes.

While I was not blogging I was facebooking much of my activity. I even had one week were I completed several 5-mile runs at a good pace!

My thanks go out to all the friends who have supported me in this redefinition of who I am. Asking me, constantly, about my exercising has always encouraged me to go further with this program. I shall try even harder and harder so as to never let you fine people down.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Blog Eighteen - Physical Therapy or Physical Torture

Well my bursitis did flare up. Got a cortisone shot a couple of weeks back to help soothe the pain and ache. Drove my blood sugar crazy for about a week or so. Since then I've been going to physical therapy twice a week.

It is not bad and the people are nice. However I can see that the regimen is going to get more pain filled as time goes by. Worth the price if I can get back to more strength conditioning on my upper body.

While I'm not doing upper body (okay I'm doing some but shhhh - don't tell my therapists) I'm focusing on core and lower body. Still getting in 30 - 60 minutes on the elliptical on the regular. Or more like, if I do 60 minutes I don't do any other exercise. If I do less than 60 minutes I work on legs and abs. The prime reason is that this level of exercising has a distinct impact on my blood sugar. I can go from high normal (basically just after eating) to low normal (I need to eat) in that time.

Balance, as always it is all about balance.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Blog Seventeen - Bigger Day with Smaller Numbers

Okay, if you've been reading you'll already know that I don't really try to track numbers. Don't want to make myself neurotic with things that don't always go where you want them to go. That being said, had my quarterly diabetic check up today and the news is super all the way down the board. The important thing to note with this check up is the A1C test. So that you have some understanding I'll quote another website:
the guidelines state that people without diabetes will normally have a reading around 5 percent. People with pre-diabetes will have a reading between 5.7 and 6.4 percent. Lastly, a reading of 6.5 percent or higher will be diagnosed as having diabetes.
Now that you've been educated on this, to some extent, I'm going to provide some numbers so that we can all review my progress.

6 Mnths Ago -   321 lbs,   183/102 bp,    11.8 A1C
3 Mnths Ago -   303 lbs,   127/  82 bp,      7.9 A1C
Today            -   290 lbs,   116/  63 bp,      6.5 A1C

Officially I have been reclassified from "uncontrolled" diabetic to "controlled" diabetic.

Under physician's orders I can now stop with the blood pressure medication (though they want a few check ups over the next month or so) and if I can keep up the good work managing my diabetes and weight loss: I can do away with the glucophage as well. Then I'll be back to a zero medication life.

One must have goals!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Blog Sixteen - New(er) Goals

Been a very very busy month since my last posting. The biggest bit was our vacation to Philly that turned into a Funeral at Philly. Don't waste your time sympathizing though; Uncle Butch would not much care for it. He lived his life his way. Wasn't always good to look at, downright scary at times, but he did live with distinction, honor, and a rough form of love that could only be summed up, "That's Butch!"

Today I worked out on the elliptical for one whole hour. Traveled a distance of 4.5 miles and burned off about 825 calories. I will strive to do this level of activity daily though strength training may suffer from such focus.

Also, currently right now I've had to opt out of strength training. It is only for the time being but I need some medical guidance on some long term difficulties. The tennis elbow I've got, now in both arms, has gotten aggravated to the point that I sometimes lose feeling in parts of my hands. Also my old shoulder injuries are painfully flaring up. Time for some cortisone shots - Orally I hear that it can effect my diabetes.

Hmmmm, apparently I've digressed a bit, still high from the workout. The point is that my new(er) goal is to have a 1200 calorie burn workout daily. This should bring my health (and weight) into proper line. Once I'm down to 230 - 240 lbs I'll switch to a maintenance level of workout. Maybe 800 calories per day.

We'll see... ...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Blog Fifteen - Into the Swing of Things

Been a while since I've added a post to this blog and there's been some events.

Firstly, I spent Wednesday (of last week) hanging drywall for Habitat for Humanity. Spending a whole day of that my body was suffering... in particular my forearms. My forearms haven't healed up yet so I've been waving off any upper body strength work. As compensation I've been trying something an Eve Friend ("2 Gun") suggested, elliptical. I do a 30-minute stretch accomplishing about 400 calories at a sit. Of course this has brought about some good things:

- Weight 290 lbs (approx)
- B/P 116/63

Visited my primary today and had the staff take my vitals. As usual, I did not ask or look at my weight. However we played guess the rounded off number so that I can be accurate when I put in my weight on the exercise machines.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Blog Fourteen - Stepping Up My Game

Well it's been several months now and I'm starting to go through cycles of "into it, not into it". I'm told it takes six months to really build a habit but I fear that this habit is going to take longer. However I'm still seeing a lot of results. I've lost another two inches from my waist (now 46" pants) and all around my body muscle firmness, and mass, is returning. These accomplishments I think are the easy wins.

Given how out of shape I was I'm sure that diet and exercise is going to work first on easy to lose fat. I figure that it might take me twice as long to lose another six inches off my waist - from my starting point that is. As to the strength building, I do have one area that I would like to improve but I don't yet know the right exercise to target it. I will though and when I do I will be doing it daily.

As for my cardio, I'm starting my days with a 15 minute bicycle routine and, time allowing, closing my daily workout with 15 minutes on a step climber. When I can get both in, and my strength workout, my rough calculations put me at burning up to 400 calories in a 90 minute time window. That's about 25% of my daily intake... Not only can I live with that but I wonder, can I actually live with that?

We'll find out together won't we?